Visual C++ .NET/Class/interface

Материал из .Net Framework эксперт
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base and interface

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; ref class MyClass{

     virtual void f() { Console::WriteLine("MyClass::f"); }
     virtual void g() { Console::WriteLine("MyClass::g"); }

}; interface class MyInterface{

  void f();
  void g();

}; ref class C : MyClass, MyInterface{

  virtual void f() new{
  virtual void g() override{

}; int main() {

  MyClass^ b = gcnew MyClass();
  C^ c = gcnew C();
  MyInterface^ i = c;
  b->f(); // calls MyClass::f
  c->f(); // calls C::f
  i->f(); // calls C::f since C::f implements MyInterface::f
  MyClass^ bc = c;  // b pointing to instance of C
  bc->f(); // calls MyClass::f since C::f is unrelated
  b->g();  // calls MyClass::g
  c->g();  // calls C::g
  i->g();  // calls C::g since C::g implements MyInterface::g
  bc->g(); // calls C::g since C::g overrides MyClass::g



class interface method ambiguity

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class MyInterface{

  void f();

}; ref class MyClass : MyInterface{

  void f()
  virtual void fMyInterface() = MyInterface::f
    Console::WriteLine("MyClass::fMyInterface implementing MyInterface::f");

}; int main() {

  MyClass^ a = gcnew MyClass();
  MyInterface^ ia = a;



constants in interfaces

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

interface class I {

  static const int i = 100;     // OK : static members OK
  literal int j = 50;           // OK : literals OK



Explicit interface implementation

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class MyInterface1 { void f(); }; interface class MyInterface2 { void f(); }; ref class MyClass : MyInterface1, MyInterface2 {

  virtual void f1() = MyInterface1::f
     Console::WriteLine("MyClass::f1 == MyInterface1::f");
  virtual void f2() = MyInterface2::f
     Console::WriteLine("MyClass::f2 == MyInterface2::f");

}; int main() {

  MyClass^ r = gcnew MyClass();
  MyInterface1^ i1 = r;
  MyInterface2^ i2 = r;
  r->f1();       // OK -- call through the object.
  r->f2();       // OK -- call through the object.
  i1->f();       // OK -- call f1.
  i2->f();       // OK -- call f2.



Interface and class(The virtual keyword is required to implement the interface method)

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

interface class IInterface {

  void f();
  int g();

}; ref class MyClass : IInterface {

     virtual void f() { }
     virtual int g() { return 1; }



Interface definition

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class Interface1 {

   void Method1();
   void Method2();

}; interface class Interface2 {

   void Method3();
   property String^ X;

}; ref class Base { public:

   void MethodBase()

}; ref class DerivedClass : public Base, public Interface1, public Interface2 { public:

   virtual property String^ X
       String^ get()
           return x;
       void  set(String^ value)
           x = value;
   virtual void Method1()
   virtual void Method2()
   virtual void Method3()
   virtual void Print()


   String^ x;

}; void main() {

   DerivedClass dc;
   dc.X = "asdf";



Interface list

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class MyInterface {}; interface class MyInterfaceB {}; ref class Base : MyInterface // OK { }; ref class Derived : Base, MyInterface // OK : Base class first { }; ref class A : Object, MyInterface // OK: Object may be explicitly stated. { }; value class V : ValueType, MyInterface // OK: Value class inherits from ValueType. { }; ref class B : MyInterfaceB, Base // OK. Base class need not appear first (as in C#). { };


Interface name collision

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class MyInterface1 { void f(); }; interface class MyInterface2 { void f(); }; ref class MyClass : MyInterface1, MyInterface2 {

  virtual void f()
  { Console::WriteLine("MyClass::f"); }

}; int main() {

  MyClass^ r = gcnew MyClass();
  r->f();  // MyClass::f() implements both MyInterface1"s f and MyInterface2"s f



Interface properties events

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class MyInterface {

  property int P1;
  event EventHandler^ E;
  property int P2
     int get();
     void set(int v);

}; ref class MyClass : MyInterface {

  int value;
  virtual property int P1;
  virtual event EventHandler^ E;
  virtual property int P2
     int get() { return value; }
     void set(int v) { value = v; }



interfaces implementing interfaces

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

interface class MyInterface { void f(); }; interface class IB : MyInterface { void g(); }; ref class MyClass : IB {

     virtual void f() {}
     virtual void g() {}



multiple interfaces

<source lang="csharp"> interface class MyInterface { void f(); }; interface class IB { void g(); }; ref class MyClass : MyInterface, IB {

     virtual void f() {}
     virtual void g() {}



Private interface

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

interface class IInterface {

  void f();
  int g();

}; ref class MyClass : IInterface {

     virtual void f() sealed = IInterface::f
     { }
     virtual int g() { return 1; }

}; int main() {

  MyClass^ r = gcnew MyClass();
  IInterface^ ir = r;
  ir->f();  // f may be called through the interface.
  r->g();     // OK



static interfaces

<source lang="csharp">

  1. include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System; interface class MyInterface {

  static int i = 6;
  static const int j = 100;
  static void f()  { Console::WriteLine("MyInterface::f " + i); }

}; ref class A : MyInterface {

  static void f() { Console::WriteLine("A::f " + MyInterface::j); }

}; int main() {

  A^ a = gcnew A();
  MyInterface^ ia = a;

