Csharp/C Sharp/Data Types/Enum
- 1 A public enum in one class from another class
- 2 Demonstrate an enumeration
- 3 Demonstrate an enumerator
- 4 Demonstrate IDictionaryEnumerator
- 5 Enum by IEnumerable
- 6 Enum data type comparison
- 7 Enum declare and use it
- 8 Enumeration Base Types
- 9 Enumerations:Bit Flag Enums 1
- 10 Enumerations:Bit Flag Enums 2
- 11 Enumerations:Initialization
- 12 Enumerations Initialization 2
- 13 Enumerations:The System.Enum Type
- 14 Enumerations: The System.Enum Type 2
- 15 Enumerators and Foreach
- 16 Enum.Format()
- 17 Enum.IsDefined()
- 18 Enum Parse
- 19 Enum Values
- 20 Get all stats for EmpType.
- 21 Get Enum"s type, hex and value.
- 22 Get underlying type
- 23 how a derived class may override an existing enumeration in a base class
- 24 Illustrates the use of an enumeration that defines the orbital periods of the first four planets in days
- 25 Illustrates the use of an enumeration that defines the orbital periods of the first four planets in days, using a base type of long
- 26 switch statement with Enum and call its ToString function
- 27 The use of an enumeration that defines the positions of the planets in the solar system relative to the Sun
A public enum in one class from another class
C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// Enum.cs - Demonstrates using a public enum in one class from
// another class
// Compile this program with the following command line:
// C:>csc enum.cs
namespace nsEnum
using System;
public class Enum
// Define the enum type
public enum Weekdays
Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Count
static public void Main ()
clsSecond second = new clsSecond();
second.ShowEnum ();
class clsSecond
public void ShowEnum()
// Use the class name with the enum name
Console.WriteLine ("Tuesday is day {0} in the week",
(int) Enum.Weekdays.Tues);
Demonstrate an enumeration
using System;
public class EnumDemo {
enum apple { Jonathan, GoldenDel, RedDel, Winsap,
Cortland, McIntosh };
public static void Main() {
string[] color = {
"Redish Green"
apple i;
for(i = apple.Jonathan; i <= apple.McIntosh; i++)
Console.WriteLine(i + " has value of " + (int)i);
for(i = apple.Jonathan; i <= apple.McIntosh; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Color of " + i + " is " +
Demonstrate an enumerator
C#: The Complete Reference
by Herbert Schildt
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Demonstrate an enumerator.
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class EnumeratorDemo {
public static void Main() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(1);
for(int i=0; i < 10; i++)
// Use enumerator to access list.
IEnumerator etr = list.GetEnumerator();
Console.Write(etr.Current + " ");
// Re-enumerate the list.
Console.Write(etr.Current + " ");
Demonstrate IDictionaryEnumerator
C#: The Complete Reference
by Herbert Schildt
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Demonstrate IDictionaryEnumerator.
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class IDicEnumDemo {
public static void Main() {
// Create a hash table.
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
// Add elements to the table
ht.Add("Tom", "555-3456");
ht.Add("Mary", "555-9876");
ht.Add("Todd", "555-3452");
ht.Add("Ken", "555-7756");
// Demonstrate enumerator
IDictionaryEnumerator etr = ht.GetEnumerator();
Console.WriteLine("Display info using through Entry.");
Console.WriteLine(etr.Entry.Key + ": " +
Console.WriteLine("Display info using Key and Value directly.");
Console.WriteLine(etr.Key + ": " +
Enum by IEnumerable
Learning C#
by Jesse Liberty
Publisher: O"Reilly
ISBN: 0596003765
using System;
namespace Enumeration
using System;
using System.Collections;
// implements IEnumerable
class ListBoxTest : IEnumerable
private string[] strings;
private int ctr = 0;
// private nested implementation of ListBoxEnumerator
private class ListBoxEnumerator : IEnumerator
// member fields of the nested ListBoxEnumerator class
private ListBoxTest currentListBox;
private int index;
// public within the private implementation
// thus, private within ListBoxTest
public ListBoxEnumerator(ListBoxTest currentListBox)
// a particular ListBoxTest instance is
// passed in, hold a reference to it
// in the member variable currentListBox.
this.currentListBox = currentListBox;
index = -1;
// Increment the index and make sure the
// value is valid
public bool MoveNext()
if (index >= currentListBox.strings.Length)
return false;
return true;
public void Reset()
index = -1;
// Current property defined as the
// last string added to the listbox
public object Current
} // end nested class
// Enumerable classes can return an enumerator
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator) new ListBoxEnumerator(this);
// initialize the listbox with strings
public ListBoxTest(params string[] initialStrings)
// allocate space for the strings
strings = new String[8];
// copy the strings passed in to the constructor
foreach (string s in initialStrings)
strings[ctr++] = s;
// add a single string to the end of the listbox
public void Add(string theString)
strings[ctr] = theString;
// allow array-like access
public string this[int index]
if (index < 0 || index >= strings.Length)
// handle bad index
return strings[index];
strings[index] = value;
// publish how many strings you hold
public int GetNumEntries()
return ctr;
public class EnumerationTester
public void Run()
// create a new listbox and initialize
ListBoxTest currentListBox =
new ListBoxTest("Hello", "World");
// add a few strings
// test the access
string subst = "Universe";
currentListBox[1] = subst;
// access all the strings
foreach (string s in currentListBox)
Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", s);
static void Main()
EnumerationTester t = new EnumerationTester();
Enum data type comparison
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType Joe = EmpType.VP;
EmpType Fran = EmpType.Grunt;
if (Joe < Fran)
Console.WriteLine("Joe"s value is less than Fran"s value.");
Console.WriteLine("Fran"s value is less than Joe"s value.");
Enum declare and use it
* C# Programmers Pocket Consultant
* Author: Gregory S. MacBeth
* Email: gmacbeth@comporium.net
* Create Date: June 27, 2003
* Last Modified Date:
using System;
namespace Client.Chapter_3___Structs__Enums__Arrays_and_Classes
enum DaysOfWeek
public class EnumsChapter_3___Structs__Enums__Arrays_and_Classes
static void Main(string[] args)
DaysOfWeek Today = DaysOfWeek.Monday;
Enumeration Base Types
enum SmallEnum : byte
Enumerations:Bit Flag Enums 1
using System;
public enum BitValues: uint
NoBits = 0,
Bit1 = 0x00000001,
Bit2 = 0x00000002,
Bit3 = 0x00000004,
Bit4 = 0x00000008,
Bit5 = 0x00000010,
AllBits = 0xFFFFFFFF
public class BitFlagEnums
public static void Member(BitValues value)
// do some processing here
public static void Main()
Member(BitValues.Bit1 | BitValues.Bit2);
Enumerations:Bit Flag Enums 2
enum Values
A = 1,
B = 5,
C = 3,
D = 42
public class EnumerationsConversions
public static void Main()
Values v = (Values) 2;
int ival = (int) v;
public enum Values
A = 1,
B = 2,
C = A + B,
D = A * C + 33
public class EnumerationsInitialization2
public static void Member(Values value)
// do some processing here
public static void Main()
Values value = 0;
Enumerations Initialization 2
enum Values
A = 1,
B = 2,
C = A + B,
D = A * C + 33
Enumerations:The System.Enum Type
using System;
enum Color
public class TheSystemEnumType1
public static void Main()
Color c = Color.red;
Console.WriteLine("c is {0}", c);
Enumerations: The System.Enum Type 2
A Programmer"s Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson
Publisher: Apress L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 20 - Enumerations\The System.Enum Type
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;
enum Color
public class TheSystemEnumType2
public static void Main()
Color c = Color.red;
// enum values and names
foreach (int i in Enum.GetValues(c.GetType()))
Console.WriteLine("Value: {0} ({1})", i, Enum.GetName(c.GetType(), i));
// or just the names
foreach (string s in Enum.GetNames(c.GetType()))
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", s);
// enum value from a string, ignore case
c = (Color) Enum.Parse(typeof(Color), "Red", true);
Console.WriteLine("string value is: {0}", c);
// see if a specific value is a defined enum member
bool defined = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Color), 5);
Console.WriteLine("5 is a defined value for Color: {0}", defined);
Enumerators and Foreach
A Programmer"s Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson
Publisher: Apress L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 19 - Indexers and Enumerators\Enumerators and Foreach
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;
using System.Collections;
// Note: This class is not thread-safe
class IntList: IEnumerable
int[] values = new int[10];
int allocated = 10;
int count = 0;
int revision = 0;
public void Add(int value)
// reallocate if necessary
if (count + 1 == allocated)
int[] newValues = new int[allocated * 2];
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
newValues[index] = values[index];
allocated *= 2;
values[count] = value;
public int Count
void CheckIndex(int index)
if (index >= count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index value out of range");
public int this[int index]
values[index] = value;
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return(new IntListEnumerator(this));
internal int Revision
class IntListEnumerator: IEnumerator
IntList intList;
int revision;
int index;
internal IntListEnumerator(IntList intList)
this.intList = intList;
public bool MoveNext()
if (index >= intList.Count)
public object Current
if (revision != intList.Revision)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Collection modified while enumerating.");
public void Reset()
index = -1;
revision = intList.Revision;
public class EnumeratorsandForeach {
public static void Main()
IntList list = new IntList();
foreach (int value in list)
Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", value);
foreach (int value in list)
Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", value);
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
Console.WriteLine("You are a {0}", fred.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Hex value is {0}", Enum.Format(typeof(EmpType), fred, "x"));
Console.WriteLine("Int value is {0}", Enum.Format(typeof(EmpType), fred, "D"));
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
// Does EmpType have a SaleEmployee value?
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(EmpType), "SalesEmployee"))
Console.WriteLine("Yep, we have sales people.");
Console.WriteLine("No, we have no profits....");
Enum Parse
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
EmpType sally = (EmpType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EmpType), "Manager");
Console.WriteLine("Sally is a {0}", sally.ToString());
Enum Values
Learning C#
by Jesse Liberty
Publisher: O"Reilly
ISBN: 0596003765
public class EnumValues
// declare the enumeration
enum Temperatures
WickedCold = 0,
FreezingPoint = 32,
LightJacketWeather = 60,
SwimmingWeather = 72,
BoilingPoint = 212,
static void Main( )
System.Console.WriteLine("Freezing point of water: {0}",
(int) Temperatures.FreezingPoint );
System.Console.WriteLine("Boiling point of water: {0}",
(int) Temperatures.BoilingPoint );
Get all stats for EmpType.
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
Array obj = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EmpType));
Console.WriteLine("This enum has {0} members:", obj.Length);
Get Enum"s type, hex and value.
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
Console.WriteLine("You are a {0}", fred.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Hex value is {0}", Enum.Format(typeof(EmpType), fred, "x"));
Console.WriteLine("Int value is {0}", Enum.Format(typeof(EmpType), fred, "D"));
Get underlying type
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
how a derived class may override an existing enumeration in a base class
C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// BaseEnum.cs - Demonstrates how a derived class may override an existing
// enumeration in a base class
// Compile this program with the following command line:
// C:>csc baseenum.cs
namespace nsEnum
using System;
public class clsBaseClass
// Define the enum type
public enum Weekdays
Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat
static public void Main ()
Console.WriteLine ("In base class, Sunday = " +
(int) Weekdays.Sun);
clsNewClass second = new clsNewClass();
second.ShowEnum ();
class clsNewClass : clsBaseClass
public new enum Weekdays
Sun = 1, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat
public void ShowEnum()
// Use the class name with the enum name
Console.WriteLine ("In derived class, Sunday = " +
(int) Weekdays.Sun);
Illustrates the use of an enumeration that defines the orbital periods of the first four planets in days
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy
Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
Example2_11.cs illustrates the use of an enumeration
that defines the orbital periods of the first four
planets in days
public class Example2_111
enum PlanetPeriods
Mercury = 88,
Venus = 225,
Earth = 365,
Mars = 687
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Orbital period for Mars = " +
(int) PlanetPeriods.Mars + " days");
Illustrates the use of an enumeration that defines the orbital periods of the first four planets in days, using a base type of long
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy
Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
Example2_12.cs illustrates the use of an enumeration
that defines the orbital periods of the first four
planets in days, using a base type of long
public class Example2_121
enum PlanetPeriods :long
Mercury = 88,
Venus = 225,
Earth = 365,
Mars = 687
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Orbital period for Mars = " +
(long) PlanetPeriods.Mars + " days");
switch statement with Enum and call its ToString function
using System;
enum EmpType : byte {
Manager = 10,
Grunt = 1,
Contractor = 100,
VP = 9
class Program {
public static void AskForBonus(EmpType e) {
switch (e) {
case EmpType.Contractor:
case EmpType.Grunt:
case EmpType.Manager:
case EmpType.VP:
default: break;
static void Main(string[] args) {
EmpType fred;
fred = EmpType.VP;
The use of an enumeration that defines the positions of the planets in the solar system relative to the Sun
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy
Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
Example2_10.cs illustrates the use of an enumeration
that defines the positions of the planets in
the solar system relative to the Sun
public class Example2_10
enum Planets
Mercury = 1,
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Position of Earth = " +
(int) Planets.Earth);
System.Console.WriteLine("Planets.Earth = " +