Csharp/CSharp Tutorial/Class/Object Reference

Материал из .Net Framework эксперт
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Assign values to the House object"s fields using object renerence

<source lang="csharp">class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   myHouse = new House();
   myHouse.make = "ABC";
   myHouse.model = "Apartment";
   myHouse.color = "black";
   myHouse.yearBuilt = 1995;


Change the object referenced by the myHouse object reference to the object referenced by yourHouse

<source lang="csharp">class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   myHouse = new House();
   House yourHouse = new House();
   yourHouse.make = "AAA";
   yourHouse.model = "VVV";
   yourHouse.color = "red";
   yourHouse.yearBuilt = 2000;
   System.Console.WriteLine("yourHouse is a " + yourHouse.model);
   System.Console.WriteLine("Assigning yourHouse to myHouse");
   myHouse = yourHouse;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse details:");
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.make = " + myHouse.make);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.model = " + myHouse.model);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.color = " + myHouse.color);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.yearBuilt = " + myHouse.yearBuilt);


yourHouse is a VVV
Assigning yourHouse to myHouse
myHouse details:
myHouse.make = AAA
myHouse.model = VVV
myHouse.color = red
myHouse.yearBuilt = 2000

Class comparison

<source lang="csharp">using System;

 class ComparingRelations
   static void Main(string[] args)
           int a = 12;
           int b = 12;
           Console.WriteLine( a == b );
           Console.WriteLine( (object)a == (object)b );
           string c = "hello";
           string d = "hello";
           Console.WriteLine( (object) c==(object) d );
           ClassCompare x = new ClassCompare();
           ClassCompare y;
           x.val = 1;
           y = x;
           Console.WriteLine( x == y );
           x.val = 2;
           Console.WriteLine( y.val.ToString() );
   class ClassCompare
       public int val = 0;

Creating a House object and assigning its memory location to myHouse

<source lang="csharp">public class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   myHouse = new House();


Declare a House object reference named myHouse

<source lang="csharp">public class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   System.Console.WriteLine("Creating a House object and assigning its memory location to myHouse");
   myHouse = new House();


Creating a House object and assigning its memory location to myHouse

Declare another House object reference and create another House object

<source lang="csharp">class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   myHouse = new House();
   House yourHouse = new House();
   yourHouse.make = "AQW";
   yourHouse.model = "SSS";
   yourHouse.color = "red";
   yourHouse.yearBuilt = 2000;
   System.Console.WriteLine("yourHouse is a " + yourHouse.model);


yourHouse is a SSS

Declare class fields and methods

  1. The new operator dynamically allocates memory for an object and returns a reference to it.
  2. This reference is, more or less, the address in memory of the object allocated by new.
  3. This reference is then stored in a variable.

<source lang="csharp">public class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   System.Console.WriteLine("Creating a House object and assigning its memory location to myHouse");
   myHouse = new House();


Creating a House object and assigning its memory location to myHouse

Display the field values using object reference

<source lang="csharp">class House {

 public string make;
 public string model;
 public string color;
 public int yearBuilt;
 public void Start()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " started");
 public void Stop()
   System.Console.WriteLine(model + " stopped");

} class MainClass {

 public static void Main()
   House myHouse;
   myHouse = new House();
   myHouse.make = "ABC";
   myHouse.model = "Apartment";
   myHouse.color = "black";
   myHouse.yearBuilt = 1995;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse details:");
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.make = " + myHouse.make);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.model = " + myHouse.model);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.color = " + myHouse.color);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myHouse.yearBuilt = " + myHouse.yearBuilt);


myHouse details:
myHouse.make = ABC
myHouse.model = Apartment
myHouse.color = black
myHouse.yearBuilt = 1995

Pass reference type variable without "out" and "ref"

<source lang="csharp">using System; class MyClass {

  public int Val = 20;

} class MainClass {

  static void MyMethod(MyClass myObject, int intValue)
     myObject.Val = myObject.Val + 5;
     intValue = intValue + 5;        
  static void Main()
     MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
     int intValue = 10;
     Console.WriteLine("Before -- myObject.Val: {0}, intValue: {1}", myObject.Val, intValue);
     MyMethod(myObject, intValue);
     Console.WriteLine("After  -- myObject.Val: {0}, intValue: {1}", myObject.Val, intValue);


Before -- myObject.Val: 20, intValue: 10
After  -- myObject.Val: 25, intValue: 10

Reference an object by interface and class

  1. You can create an interface reference variable.
  2. Such a variable can refer to any object that implements its interface.
  3. When you call a method on an object through an interface reference, the method is the version of the method implemented by the object.

<source lang="csharp">public interface Player {

void PlayMusic();

} public class Student : Player {

public void PlayMusic(){}
public void DoALittleDance(){}

} public class MainClass {

  static void Main()
     Student st = new Student();
     Player musician = st;


Reference a static member function without using the class name

<source lang="csharp">public class A {

  public static void SomeFunction()
     System.Console.WriteLine( "SomeFunction() called" );
  static void Main()


SomeFunction() called
SomeFunction() called

Reference equals

<source lang="csharp">public class MyClass {

  public MyClass(  )

} public class MainClass {

  static void Main()
     MyClass referenceA = new MyClass(  );
     MyClass referenceB = new MyClass(  );
     System.Console.WriteLine( "Result of Equality is {0}", referenceA == referenceB );


Result of Equality is False

Reference one object by multiple interfaces

<source lang="csharp">using System; interface Interface1 {

     void PrintOut(string s);

} interface Interface2 {

     void PrintOut(string s);

} class MyClass : Interface1, Interface2 {

  public void PrintOut(string s)

} class MainClass {

  static void Main()
     MyClass mc = new MyClass();
     Interface1 ifc1 = (Interface1)mc;
     Interface2 ifc2 = (Interface2)mc;
     ifc1.PrintOut("interface 1.");
     ifc2.PrintOut("interface 2.");


interface 1.
interface 2.

Reference type equals: complex number

<source lang="csharp">public class ComplexNumber {

  public ComplexNumber( int real, int imaginary )
     this.real = real;
     this.imaginary = imaginary;
  public override bool Equals( object obj )
     ComplexNumber other = obj as ComplexNumber;
     if( other == null )
        return false;
     return (this.real == other.real) && (this.imaginary == other.imaginary);
  public override int GetHashCode()
     return (int) real ^ (int) imaginary;
  public static bool operator==( ComplexNumber me, ComplexNumber other )
     return Equals( me, other );
  public static bool operator!=( ComplexNumber me, ComplexNumber other )
     return Equals( me, other );
  private double real;
  private double imaginary;

} public class MainClass {

  static void Main()
     ComplexNumber referenceA = new ComplexNumber( 1, 2 );
     ComplexNumber referenceB = new ComplexNumber( 1, 2 );
     System.Console.WriteLine( "Result of Equality is {0}",referenceA == referenceB );
     System.Console.WriteLine( "Identity of references is {0}",(object) referenceA == (object) referenceB );
     System.Console.WriteLine( "Identity of references is {0}",ReferenceEquals(referenceA, referenceB) );


Result of Equality is True
Identity of references is False
Identity of references is False

Use interface as reference

<source lang="csharp">using System; interface Interface1 {

  void PrintOut(string s);

} class MyClass : Interface1 {

  public void PrintOut(string s)
     Console.WriteLine("Calling through: {0}", s);

} class MainClass {

  static void Main()
     MyClass mc = new MyClass();         
     Interface1 ifc = (Interface1)mc;    


Calling through: object.
Calling through: interface.