Csharp/C Sharp/Development Class/Number Format — различия между версиями

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Версия 18:31, 26 мая 2010

A closer look at Format()

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// A closer look at Format().

using System;

public class FormatDemo2 {

 public static void Main() {  
   int i; 
   int sum = 0; 
   int prod = 1; 
   string str; 

   /* Display the running sum and product 
      for the numbers 1 through 10. */ 
   for(i=1; i <= 10; i++) { 
     sum += i; 
     prod *= i; 
     str = String.Format("Sum:{0,3:D}  Product:{1,8:D}", 
                         sum, prod); 



Format an enumeration

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// Format an enumeration.

using System;

public class EnumFmtDemo {

 enum Direction { North, South, East, West } 
 [Flags] enum Status { Ready=0x1, OffLine=0x2,  
                       Waiting=0x4, TransmitOK=0x8, 
                       RecieveOK=0x10, OnLine=0x20 } 

 public static void Main() { 
   Direction d = Direction.West; 

   Console.WriteLine("{0:G}", d); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", d); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:D}", d); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", d); 
   Status s = Status.Ready | Status.TransmitOK; 

   Console.WriteLine("{0:G}", s); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", s); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:D}", s); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", s); 



Illustrates formatting numbers

<source lang="csharp"> /* Mastering Visual C# .NET by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy Publisher: Sybex; ISBN: 0782129110

  • /


 Example2_15.cs illustrates formatting numbers
  • /

public class Example2_151 {

 public static void Main()
   // formatting integers
   int myInt = 12345;
   int myInt2 = 67890;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myInt = {0, 6}, myInt2 = {1, 5}",
     myInt, myInt2);
   System.Console.WriteLine("myInt using 10:d = {0, 10:d}",
   System.Console.WriteLine("myInt using 10:x = {0, 10:x2}",
   // formatting floating-point numbers
   double myDouble = 1234.56789;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myDouble using 10:f3 = {0, 10:f3}",
   float myFloat = 1234.56789f;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myFloat using 10:f3 = {0, 10:f3}",
   decimal myDecimal = 1234.56789m;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myDecimal using 10:f3 = {0, 10:f3}",
   System.Console.WriteLine("myFloat using 10:e3 = {0, 10:e3}",
   System.Console.WriteLine("myFloat using 10:p2 = {0, 10:p2}",
   System.Console.WriteLine("myFloat using 10:n2 = {0, 10:n2}",
   System.Console.WriteLine("myFloat using 10:g2 = {0, 10:g2}",
   // formatting currency values
   decimal myMoney = 15123.45m;
   System.Console.WriteLine("myMoney using 10:c2 = {0, 10:c2}",



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Decimal Point

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class DecimalPoint {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:#####.000}", 75928.3);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:##.000}", 1456.456456);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Digit or Space Placeholder

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class DigitorSpacePlaceholder {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:#####}", 255);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:#####}", 1456);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###}", 32767);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Digit or Zero Placeholder

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class DigitorZeroPlaceholder {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:000}", 55);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:000}", 1456);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Escapes and Literals

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class EscapesandLiterals {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###\\#}", 255);
       Console.WriteLine(@"{0:###\#}", 255);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###"#0%;"}", 1456);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Exponential Notation

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class ExponentialNotation {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###.000E-00}", 3.1415533E+04);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:#.0000000E+000}", 2.553939939E+101);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Group Separator

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class GroupSeparator {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:##,###}", 2555634323);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:##,000.000}", 14563553.593993);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:#,#.000}", 14563553.593993);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Number Prescaler

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class NumberPrescaler {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:000,.##}", 158847);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:000,,,.###}", 1593833);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Percent Notation

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class PercentNotation {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:##.000%}", 0.89144);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:00%}", 0.01285);



Numeric Formatting:Custom Format Strings:Section Separator

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class SectionSeparator {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###.00;0;(###.00)}", -456.55);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###.00;0;(###.00)}", 0);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:###.00;0;(###.00)}", 456.55);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:Currency

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class Currency {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:C}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:C}", -33345.8977);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:Decimal

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class StandardFormatStringsDecimal {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:D}", 33345);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:D7}", 33345);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:Fixed-Point

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class FixedPoint {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:F}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:F0}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:F5}", 33345.8977);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:General

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class StandardFormatStringsGeneral {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:G}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:G7}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:G4}", 33345.8977);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:Hexadecimal

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class Hexadecimal {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", 255);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:x8}", 1456);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:Number

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class StandardFormatStringsNumber {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:N}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:N4}", 33345.8977);



Numeric Formatting:Standard Format Strings:Scientific (Exponential)

<source lang="csharp"> using System; public class ScientificExponential {

   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("{0:E}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:E10}", 33345.8977);
       Console.WriteLine("{0:e4}", 33345.8977);



Use String.Format() to format a value

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// Use String.Format() to format a value.

using System;

public class FormatDemo1 {

 public static void Main() {  
   double v = 17688.65849;  
   double v2 = 0.15;  
   int x = 21;  
   string str = String.Format("{0:F2}", v);  
   str = String.Format("{0:N5}", v);  
   str = String.Format("{0:e}", v);  
   str = String.Format("{0:r}", v);  
   str = String.Format("{0:p}", v2);  
   str = String.Format("{0:X}", x);  
   str = String.Format("{0:D12}", x);  

   str = String.Format("{0:C}", 189.99); 



Use ToString() to format values

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// Use ToString() to format values.

using System;

public class ToStringDemo {

 public static void Main() { 
   double v = 17688.65849; 
   double v2 = 0.15; 
   int x = 21; 
   string str = v.ToString("F2"); 

   str = v.ToString("N5"); 

   str = v.ToString("e"); 

   str = v.ToString("r"); 

   str = v2.ToString("p"); 

   str = x.ToString("X"); 

   str = x.ToString("D12"); 

   str = 189.99.ToString("C"); 



Using custom formats

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// Using custom formats.

using System;

public class PictureFormatDemo {

 public static void Main() {  
   double num = 64354.2345; 

   Console.WriteLine("Default format: " + num); 

   // Display with 2 decimal places. 
   Console.WriteLine("Value with two decimal places: " + 
                     "{0:#.##}", num); 

   // Display with commas and 2 decimal places. 
   Console.WriteLine("Add commas: {0:#,###.##}", num); 
   // Display using scientific notation. 
   Console.WriteLine("Use scientific notation: " + 
                     "{0:#.###e+00}", num); 

   // Scale the value by 1000. 
   Console.WriteLine("Value in 1,000s: " + 
                     "{0:#0,}", num); 

   /* Display positive, negative, and zero 
      values differently. */ 
   Console.WriteLine("Display positive, negative, " + 
                     "and zero values differently."); 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:#.#;(#.##);0.00}", num); 
   num = -num; 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:#.##;(#.##);0.00}", num); 
   num = 0.0; 
   Console.WriteLine("{0:#.##;(#.##);0.00}", num); 

   // Display a percentage. 
   num = 0.17;     
   Console.WriteLine("Display a pecentage: {0:#%}", num); 

