Csharp/C Sharp/2D Graphics/Polygon

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Draw Polygon

<source lang="csharp"> /* C# Programming Tips & Techniques by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001) ISBN: 0072193794

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using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.ruponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data; namespace Poly {

 /// <summary>
 /// Summary description for Form1.
 /// </summary>
 public class PolyclsMain : System.Windows.Forms.Form
   private System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu mainMenu1;
   private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItem1;
   private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem mnuFileExit;
   private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
   /// <summary>
   /// Required designer variable.
   /// </summary>
   private System.ruponentModel.Container components = null;
   public PolyclsMain()
     // Required for Windows Form Designer support
     InitForm ();
     // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
   clsPoint pt = new clsPoint (50, 50);
   clsEllipse ellipse = new clsEllipse (200, 150, 150, 75, 450);
   clsCircle circle = new clsCircle (400, 150, 150);
   clsLine line = new clsLine (400, 150, 150, 450);

// clsShape [] Shapes;

   private void InitForm ()

// Shapes = new clsShape [] {pt, ellipse, circle, line};

     pt.color = Color.Red;
     this.MaximumSize = new Size (this.Bounds.Width, this.Bounds.Height);
     this.MinimumSize = this.MaximumSize;
     ellipse.color = Color.DarkOrange;
     line.color = Color.Blue;
   /// <summary>
   /// Clean up any resources being used.
   /// </summary>
   protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
     if( disposing )
       if (components != null) 
     base.Dispose( disposing );
   #region Windows Form Designer generated code
       /// <summary>
       /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
       /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
       /// </summary>
       private void InitializeComponent()
           this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
           this.mnuFileExit = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
           this.menuItem1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
           this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu();
           // label1
           this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
           this.label1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
           this.label1.Name = "label1";
           this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(680, 341);
           this.label1.TabIndex = 0;
           this.label1.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.label1_Paint);
           // mnuFileExit
           this.mnuFileExit.Index = 0;
           this.mnuFileExit.Text = "Exit";
           this.mnuFileExit.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.mnuFileExit_Click);
           // menuItem1
           this.menuItem1.Index = 0;
           this.menuItem1.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {
           this.menuItem1.Text = "File";
           // mainMenu1
           this.mainMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {
           // clsMain
           this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
           this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(680, 341);
           this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
           this.Menu = this.mainMenu1;
           this.MinimizeBox = false;
           this.Name = "Poly";
           this.Text = "Poly";
   /// <summary>
   /// The main entry point for the application.
   /// </summary>
   static void Main() 
     Application.Run(new PolyclsMain());
   private void mnuFileExit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     this.Close (); 
   int m_cx = 100;
   int m_cy = 50;
   private void label1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)

// foreach (clsShape shape in Shapes) // shape.Show (e);

     ellipse.Show (e);
     circle.Show (e);
     line.Show (e);
 abstract public class clsShape
   protected clsShape() { }
   ~clsShape ()
     if (m_Pen != null)
       m_Pen.Dispose ();
     if (m_Brush != null)
       m_Brush.Dispose ();
   protected Pen m_Pen = null;
   protected SolidBrush m_Brush = null;
   public Color color
       if (m_Brush == null)
         m_Brush = new SolidBrush (Color.Black);
       return (m_Brush.Color);
       if (m_Brush != null)
         m_Brush.Dispose ();
       m_Brush = new SolidBrush (value);
   protected virtual SolidBrush brush
       if (m_Brush == null)
         m_Brush = new SolidBrush (Color.Black);
       return (m_Brush);
   protected virtual Pen pen
       if (m_Pen == null)
       return (m_Pen);
     set {SetPen ();}
   private void SetPen ()
     if (m_Brush == null)
       m_Brush = new SolidBrush (Color.Black);
     if (m_Pen != null)
       m_Pen.Dispose ();
     m_Pen = new Pen (m_Brush, 2);
   public void Show (PaintEventArgs e)
     Draw (e);
   virtual protected void Draw (PaintEventArgs e)
   protected void Rotate (int angle, Point ptCenter, Point [] ptControl)
           // If the angle is 0, there"s nothing to do
     if (angle == 0)
           // The angle is in tenths of a degree. Convert to radians
     double fAngle = (angle / 10.0) / 57.29578;
           // Calculate the sine of the angle
     double fSine = Math.Sin (fAngle);
           // Calculate the cosing of the angle
     double fCosine = Math.Cos (fAngle);
           // Translate the center point so it can be the center of rotation
     double fRotateX = ptCenter.X - ptCenter.X * fCosine - ptCenter.Y * fSine;
     double fRotateY = ptCenter.Y + ptCenter.X * fSine - ptCenter.Y * fCosine;
     for (int x = 0; x <  ptControl.Length; ++x)
               // Rotate the control point and add the translated center point
       double fNewX = ptControl[x].X * fCosine + ptControl[x].Y *fSine + fRotateX;
       double fNewY = -ptControl[x].X * fSine + ptControl[x].Y *fCosine + fRotateY;
               // Put the new values in the control point
       ptControl[x].X = (int) fNewX;
       ptControl[x].Y = (int) fNewY;
 public class clsPoint : clsShape
   protected clsPoint () { }
   public clsPoint (int cx, int cy)
     m_cx = cx;
     m_cy = cy;
   public int cx
     get {return(m_cx);}
     set {m_cx = value;}
   public int cy
     get {return(m_cy);}
     set {m_cy = value;}
   protected int m_cx;
   protected int m_cy;
   override protected void Draw (PaintEventArgs e)
     Point pt1 = new Point (m_cx, m_cy - 1);
     Point pt2 = new Point (m_cx, m_cy + 1);
     e.Graphics.DrawLine (pen, pt1, pt2);
     pt1.X = m_cx - 1;
     pt2.X = m_cx + 1;
     pt1.Y = pt2.Y = m_cy;
     e.Graphics.DrawLine (pen, pt1, pt2);
     e.Graphics.DrawRectangle (pen, m_cx - 3, m_cy - 3, 6, 6);
 public class clsLine : clsShape
   protected clsLine () { }
   public clsLine (int cx, int cy, int length, int angle)
     m_Start = new Point (cx, cy);
     m_End = new Point (cx + length, cy);
     m_Angle = angle;
   protected Point m_End;
   protected Point m_Start;
   protected int m_Angle;
   override protected void Draw (PaintEventArgs e)
     Point ptStart = new Point (m_Start.X, m_Start.Y);
     Point [] ptEnd = new Point[1] {new Point (m_End.X, m_End.Y)};
     Rotate (m_Angle, ptStart, ptEnd);
     e.Graphics.DrawLine (pen, ptStart, ptEnd[0]);
 public class clsCircle : clsPoint
   protected clsCircle () { }
   public clsCircle (int cx, int cy, int radius)
     m_cx = cx;
     m_cy = cy;
     m_Radius = radius;
   protected int m_Radius;
   override protected void Draw (PaintEventArgs e)
     e.Graphics.DrawEllipse (pen, m_cx - m_Radius, m_cy - m_Radius, 2 * m_Radius, 2 * m_Radius);
     DrawCenter (e);
   public void DrawCenter (PaintEventArgs e)
     base.Draw (e);
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws an ellipse using Bezier points
 /// </summary>
 public class clsEllipse : clsCircle, IDisposable
   protected clsEllipse () { }
   public void Dispose ()
   public clsEllipse (int cx, int cy, int horiz, int vert, int rotate)
     m_cx = cx;
     m_cy = cy;
     m_Radius = horiz;
     m_Vert = vert;
     m_Rotate = rotate;
   protected double m_Eccentric;
   protected int m_Vert;
   protected int m_Rotate;
       /// <summary>
       /// Overridden from the clsCircle class
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="e"></param>
   override protected void Draw (PaintEventArgs e)
     int OffsetX = (int) (2 * m_Radius * (2 * (Math.Sqrt(2) - 1) / 3) + 0.5);
     int OffsetY = (int) (2 * m_Vert * (2 * (Math.Sqrt(2) - 1) / 3) + 0.5);
     Point [] ptEllipse = new Point [13]
         new Point (m_cx + m_Radius, m_cy),
         new Point (m_cx + m_Radius, m_cy - OffsetY),
         new Point (m_cx + OffsetX,  m_cy - m_Vert),
         new Point (m_cx,            m_cy - m_Vert),
         new Point (m_cx - OffsetX,  m_cy - m_Vert),
         new Point (m_cx - m_Radius, m_cy - OffsetY),
         new Point (m_cx - m_Radius, m_cy),
         new Point (m_cx - m_Radius, m_cy + OffsetY),
         new Point (m_cx - OffsetX,  m_cy + m_Vert),
         new Point (m_cx,            m_cy + m_Vert),
         new Point (m_cx + OffsetX,  m_cy + m_Vert),
         new Point (m_cx + m_Radius, m_cy + OffsetY),
         new Point (m_cx + m_Radius, m_cy)
     Point ptCenter = new Point (m_cx, m_cy);
     Rotate (m_Rotate, ptCenter, ptEllipse);
     e.Graphics.DrawBeziers (pen, ptEllipse);
     base.DrawCenter (e);

