Csharp/C Sharp/Language Basics/params

Материал из .Net Framework эксперт
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Check the array length for params parameters

using System;
public class Employee {
    public Employee(params string[] _name) {
        switch (_name.Length) {
            case 1:
                name = _name[0];
            case 2:
                name = _name[0] + " " + _name[1];
    public void GetName() {
    private string name = "";
public class Employeenel {
    public static void Main() {
        Employee bob = new Employee("Bob", "Wilson");

Normal parameter and params parameters

using System;
public class Starter {
    public static void Main() {
        Names("F", "F", "B", "A");
        Names("F", 1234, 5678, 9876, 4561);
        Names("F", "C", "D");
    public static void Names(string company,params string[] employees) {
        Console.WriteLine("{0} employees: ",company);
        foreach (string employee in employees) {
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}", employee);
    public static void Names(string company,params int[] emplid) {
        Console.WriteLine("{0} employees: ",company);
        foreach (int employee in emplid) {
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}", employee);
    public static void Names(string company,string empl1, string empl2) {
        Console.WriteLine("{0} employees: ",company);
        Console.WriteLine("  {0}", empl1);
        Console.WriteLine("  {0}", empl2);

Params Array

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
class Util {
    public static int Sum(params int[] paramList) {
        if (paramList == null) {
            throw new ArgumentException("Util.Sum: null parameter list");
        if (paramList.Length == 0) {
            throw new ArgumentException("Util.Sum: empty parameter list");
        int sumTotal = 0;
        foreach (int i in paramList) {
            sumTotal += i;
        return sumTotal;
class Program {
    static void Entrance() {
        Console.WriteLine(Util.Sum(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1));
    static void Main() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", ex.Message);

Use params to mark parameter

using System;
class ParamsSample {
    static void PrintStrings(params String[] StringArray) {
        for (int i = 0; i < StringArray.Length; i++)
            Console.Write("{0} ", StringArray[i]);
    static void Main(String[] args) {
        String names = "K";
        PrintStrings(names, "R", "S");
        PrintStrings("R", "E", "C", "S");

use the params feature to write functions which accept a variable number of arguments

using System;
public class MainClass {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        int nSum;
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", SumArgs(out nSum, 1, 2, 3));
        int[] nArray = { 4, 5, 6 };
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", SumArgs(out nSum, nArray));
    public static int SumArgs(out int nSum, params int[] list) {
        nSum = 0;
        foreach (int n in list) {
            nSum += n;
        return nSum;