Visual C++ .NET/Structure/Definition
Access a Structure
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
struct MyInfo {
int x,y;
int square(int a) {
return a * a;
int main(void) {
MyInfo info;
info.x = 10;
info.y = 20;
Complex struct
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
public value struct Complex
// Constructor
Complex(double real, double imaginary)
Real = real;
Imaginary = imaginary;
// Polar form initialization
static Complex Polar(double polarRadius, double polarPhase)
return Complex(polarRadius*Math::Cos(polarPhase), polarRadius*Math::Sin(polarPhase));
// Real and imaginary parts
property double Real;
property double Imaginary;
// Conjugate value
property Complex Conjugate
Complex get()
return Complex(Real, -Imaginary);
// Absolute value
property double Absolute
double get()
return Math::Sqrt(Square);
// Absolute value squared
property double Square
double get()
return Real*Real + Imaginary*Imaginary;
// Poloar Radius
property double PolarRadius
double get()
return Absolute;
// Polar Angle
property double PolarAngle
double get()
return Math::Atan2(Imaginary, Real);
// Convert-from operator
static operator Complex(double a)
return Complex(a, 0.0);
// Unary +/- operators
static Complex operator +(Complex a)
return a;
static Complex operator -(Complex a)
return Complex(-a.Real, -a.Imaginary);
// Unary increment/decrement operators
static Complex operator --(Complex a)
return Complex(a.Real - 1, a.Imaginary);
static Complex operator ++(Complex a)
return Complex(a.Real + 1, a.Imaginary);
// Comparison operators
static bool operator ==(Complex a, Complex b)
return a.Real == b.Real && a.Imaginary == b.Imaginary;
static bool operator !=(Complex a, Complex b)
return a.Real != b.Real || a.Imaginary == b.Imaginary;
// Plus operators
static Complex operator +(Complex a, Complex b)
return Complex(a.Real + b.Real, a.Imaginary + b.Imaginary);
static Complex operator +(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real + b, a.Imaginary);
// Minus operators
static Complex operator -(Complex a, Complex b)
return Complex(a.Real - b.Real, a.Imaginary - b.Imaginary);
static Complex operator -(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real - b, a.Imaginary);
// Multiplication operators
static Complex operator *(Complex a, Complex b)
return Complex(a.Real*b.Real - a.Imaginary*b.Imaginary, a.Real*b.Imaginary + a.Imaginary*b.Real);
static Complex operator *(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real*b, a.Imaginary*b);
// Division operators
static Complex operator /(Complex a, Complex b)
double d = b.Square;
return Complex((a.Real*b.Real + a.Imaginary*b.Imaginary)/d, (b.Real*a.Imaginary - a.Real*b.Imaginary)/d);
static Complex operator /(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real/b, a.Imaginary/b);
static Complex operator /(double a, Complex b)
return Complex(a, 0)/b;
// Friendly alrernate operator methods
static Complex Plus(Complex a)
return a;
static Complex Negate(Complex a)
return Complex(-a.Real, -a.Imaginary);
static Complex Decrement(Complex a)
return Complex(a.Real - 1, a.Imaginary);
static Complex Increment(Complex a)
return Complex(a.Real + 1, a.Imaginary);
static Complex Add(Complex a, Complex b)
return Complex(a.Real + b.Real, a.Imaginary + b.Imaginary);
static Complex Add(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real + b, a.Imaginary);
static Complex Subtract(Complex a, Complex b)
return Complex(a.Real - b.Real, a.Imaginary - b.Imaginary);
static Complex Subtract(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real - b, a.Imaginary);
static Complex Multiply(Complex a, Complex b)
return Complex(a.Real*b.Real - a.Imaginary*b.Imaginary, a.Real*b.Imaginary + a.Imaginary*b.Real);
static Complex Multiply(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real*b, a.Imaginary*b);
static Complex Divide(Complex a, Complex b)
double d = b.Square;
return Complex((a.Real*b.Real + a.Imaginary*b.Imaginary)/d, (b.Real*a.Imaginary - a.Real*b.Imaginary)/d);
static Complex Divide(Complex a, double b)
return Complex(a.Real/b, a.Imaginary/b);
static Complex Divide(double a, Complex b)
return Complex(a, 0)/b;
// Misc required overloads
virtual bool Equals(Object^ obj) override
Complex^ compareTo = dynamic_cast<Complex^>(obj);
if ( compareTo )
return *this == *compareTo;
return false;
virtual int GetHashCode() override
return Real.GetHashCode() ^ Imaginary.GetHashCode();
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Format(CultureInfo::CurrentCulture->NumberFormat,
"({0}, {1})", Real, Imaginary);
void main()
Complex a(11, 12), b(-13, 14);
a = 1/a;
a = 2;
Console::WriteLine("a*b={0}", a*b);
Create a Structure
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
struct Point { int x; int y; };
struct TwoPoints { Point point1; Point point2; };
int main(void)
TwoPoints myPoints;
myPoints.point1.x = 10;
myPoints.point1.y = 15;
myPoints.point2.x = 13;
myPoints.point2.y = 25;
return 0;
Declare a Structure Type
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
struct Author {
char *Name;
char *DateOfBirth;
char *HomeTown;
struct Book{
char *Title;
char *Artist;
Author author;
int YearReleased;
int main(void)
Book myBook;
myBook.Title = "C++";
myBook.Artist = "nfex"; = "Jack";
Initialize a Structure
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
struct Book {
char *Title;
char *Artist;
int YearReleased;
Book(char *t, char *a, int y) {
Title = t; Artist = a; YearReleased = y;
int main(void)
Book b1("A","B",2001);
Book *b2 = new Book("A","B",1974);
return 0;
struct implements IComparable
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Globalization;
public value struct Vector: public IComparable
property double X;
property double Y;
property double Magnitude
double get()
return Math::Sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);
virtual int CompareTo(Object^ obj)
Vector^ v = *dynamic_cast<Vector^>(obj);
if ( v )
if ( this->Magnitude == v->Magnitude )
return 0;
else if ( this->Magnitude < v->Magnitude )
return -1;
return 1;
throw gcnew ArgumentException(
"Vector::CompareTo: obj must be of type "Vector"");
// Comparison operators
static bool operator ==(Vector a, Vector b)
return a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y;
static bool operator !=(Vector a, Vector b)
return a.X != b.X || a.Y == b.Y;
static bool operator >(Vector a, Vector b)
return a.Magnitude > b.Magnitude;
static bool operator <(Vector a, Vector b)
return a.Magnitude < b.Magnitude;
// Misc required overloads
virtual bool Equals(Object^ obj) override
Vector^ compareTo = dynamic_cast<Vector^>(obj);
if ( compareTo )
return *this == *compareTo;
return false;
virtual int GetHashCode() override
return X.GetHashCode() ^ Y.GetHashCode();
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Format(CultureInfo::CurrentCulture->NumberFormat,
"[{0}, {1}]", X, Y);
void main()
array<Vector>^ data = gcnew array<Vector>(10);
// Sorting test
Random^ random = gcnew Random();
for ( int i = 0; i < data->Length; i++ )
data[i].X = random->NextDouble();
data[i].Y = random->NextDouble();
for ( int i = 0; i < data->Length; i++ )
Console::WriteLine("data[{0}]={1}", i, data[i].Magnitude);