Csharp/C Sharp/Data Types/cast

Материал из .Net Framework эксперт
Версия от 11:45, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
(разн.) ← Предыдущая | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая → (разн.)
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Any object, value, or reference type that is convertible to an integral, char, enum, or string type is acceptable as the switch_expression

using System;
class Employee {
    public Employee(string f_Emplid) {
        m_Emplid = f_Emplid;
    static public implicit operator string(Employee f_this) {
        return f_this.m_Emplid;
    private string m_Emplid;
class Starter {
    static void Main() {
        Employee newempl = new Employee("1234");
        switch (newempl) {
            case "1234":
                Console.WriteLine("Employee 1234");
            case "5678":
                Console.WriteLine("Employee 5678");
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid employee");

Conversions between Simple Types

using System;
public class MainClass {
    public static void Main() {
        double d = 2.9;
        Console.WriteLine((int)d);                   // double-->int; prints 2 
        Console.WriteLine((int)(-d));                // double-->int; prints -2 
        uint seconds = (uint)(24 * 60 * 60);         // int-->uint 
        double avgSecPerYear = 365.25 * seconds;     // I uint-->double 
        float f = seconds;                           // IL uint-->float 
        long nationalDebt1 = 99999999999999;
        double perSecond = 99999.14;
        decimal perDay = seconds * (decimal)perSecond;              // I uint-->decimal 
        double nd2 = nationalDebt1 + (double)perDay; // decimal-->double 
        long nd3 = (long)nd2;                        // double-->long 
        float nd4 = (float)nd2;                      // double-->float 

explicit cast

using System;
class ExplicitConv {
    static void Main() {
        double a = 5.654321;
        int b;
        b = (int)a;
        Console.WriteLine("The value is {0}", b);

Implicit cast

using System;
class ImplicitConversion {
    public static void Main() {
        byte a = 1;
        int b = 1234;
        int c = a; //Implicit cast
        double d = b; //Implicit cast
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", c);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", d);

Type convert

Type          Can Safely Be Converted To
Byte          short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal
Sbyte         short, int, long, float, double, decimal
Short         int, long, float, double, decimal
Ushort        int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal
Int           long, float, double, decimal
Uint          long, ulong, float, double, decimal
Long          float, double, decimal
Ulong         float, double, decimal
Float         double
Char          ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal 