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<big>'''Вики-движок «MediaWiki» успешно установлен.'''</big>
<div style="text-align: center; width: 90%; padding: 0.5em; margin: auto;">
На данный момент уже '''{{NUMBEROFPAGES}}''' {{plural: {{NUMBEROFPAGES}} |страница|страниц}} и '''{{NUMBEROFFILES}}''' {{plural: {{NUMBEROFFILES}} |файл|файлов}}.
Информацию по работе с этой вики можно найти в [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%89%D1%8C:%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5 справочном руководстве].
== ASP.Net ==
* [[ASP.Net/ADO.net Database | ADO.net Database]]
* [[ASP.Net/Ajax | Ajax]]
* [[ASP.Net/Asp Control | Asp Control]]
* [[ASP.Net/Collections | Collections]]
* [[ASP.Net/Components | Components]]
* [[ASP.Net/Data Binding | Data Binding]]
* [[ASP.Net/Development | Development]]
* [[ASP.Net/File Directory | File Directory]]
* [[ASP.Net/HTML Control | HTML Control]]
* [[ASP.Net/Language Basics | Language Basics]]
* [[ASP.Net/Login Security | Login Security]]
* [[ASP.Net/Mobile Control | Mobile Control]]
* [[ASP.Net/Network | Network]]
* [[ASP.Net/Page | Page]]
* [[ASP.Net/Request | Request]]
* [[ASP.Net/Response | Response]]
* [[ASP.Net/Server | Server]]
* [[ASP.Net/Session Cookie | Session Cookie]]
* [[ASP.Net/Sitemap | Sitemap]]
* [[ASP.Net/Theme Style | Theme Style]]
* [[ASP.Net/User Control and Master Page | User Control and Master Page]]
* [[ASP.Net/Validation by Control | Validation by Control]]
* [[ASP.Net/Validation by Function | Validation by Function]]
* [[ASP.Net/WPF | WPF]]
* [[ASP.Net/WebPart | WebPart]]
* [[ASP.Net/XML | XML]]
== Некоторые полезные ресурсы ==
== ASP.NET Tutorial ==
* [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings Список возможных настроек];
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/ADO.net Database | ADO.net Database]]
* [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ Часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы по MediaWiki];
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/ASP.Net Instroduction | ASP.Net Instroduction]]
* [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce Рассылка уведомлений о выходе новых версий MediaWiki].
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/ASP.net Controls | ASP.net Controls]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Ajax | Ajax]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Authentication Authorization | Authentication Authorization]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Cache | Cache]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Collections | Collections]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Configuration | Configuration]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Cookie | Cookie]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Custom Controls | Custom Controls]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Data Binding | Data Binding]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Development | Development]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/File Directory | File Directory]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/HTML Controls | HTML Controls]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/I18N | I18N]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/LINQ | LINQ]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Language Basics | Language Basics]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Mobile | Mobile]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Page Lifecycle | Page Lifecycle]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Profile | Profile]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Response | Response]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Sessions | Sessions]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/Validation | Validation]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/WebPart | WebPart]]
* [[ASP.NET Tutorial/XML | XML]]
== C#/C Sharp ==
* [[C#/C Sharp/2D Graphics | 2D Graphics]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Class Interface | Class Interface]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Collections Data Structure | Collections Data Structure]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Components | Components]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Data Types | Data Types]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Database ADO.net | Database ADO.net]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Design Patterns | Design Patterns]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Development Class | Development Class]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Event | Event]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/File Stream | File Stream]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/GUI Windows Form | GUI Windows Form]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Generics | Generics]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/LINQ | LINQ]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Language Basics | Language Basics]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Network | Network]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Office | Office]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Reflection | Reflection]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Regular Expressions | Regular Expressions]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Security | Security]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Services Event | Services Event]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Thread | Thread]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Web Services | Web Services]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/Windows | Windows]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/XML | XML]]
* [[C#/C Sharp/XML LINQ | XML LINQ]]
== C#/C Sharp by API ==
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/Microsoft.Win32 | Microsoft.Win32]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System | System]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Collections | System.Collections]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Collections.Generic | System.Collections.Generic]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Collections.Specialized | System.Collections.Specialized]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.ComponentModel | System.ComponentModel]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Configuration | System.Configuration]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data | System.Data]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data.Common | System.Data.Common]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data.Linq | System.Data.Linq]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data.Odbc | System.Data.Odbc]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data.OleDb | System.Data.OleDb]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data.Sql | System.Data.Sql]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Data.SqlClient | System.Data.SqlClient]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Diagnostics | System.Diagnostics]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.DirectoryServices | System.DirectoryServices]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Drawing | System.Drawing]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Drawing.Drawing2D | System.Drawing.Drawing2D]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Drawing.Imaging | System.Drawing.Imaging]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Drawing.Printing | System.Drawing.Printing]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Drawing.Text | System.Drawing.Text]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.EnterpriseServices | System.EnterpriseServices]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Globalization | System.Globalization]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.IO | System.IO]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.IO.Compression | System.IO.Compression]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.IO.IsolatedStorage | System.IO.IsolatedStorage]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.IO.Ports | System.IO.Ports]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Linq | System.Linq]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Management | System.Management]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Media | System.Media]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Messaging | System.Messaging]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Net | System.Net]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Net.Mail | System.Net.Mail]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Net.NetworkInformation | System.Net.NetworkInformation]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Net.Sockets | System.Net.Sockets]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Reflection | System.Reflection]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Resources | System.Resources]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime | System.Runtime]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.CompilerServices | System.Runtime.CompilerServices]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.InteropServices | System.Runtime.InteropServices]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Remoting | System.Runtime.Remoting]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels | System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http | System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging | System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Serialization | System.Runtime.Serialization]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary | System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap | System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security | System.Security]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security.AccessControl | System.Security.AccessControl]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security.Cryptography | System.Security.Cryptography]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates | System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security.Permissions | System.Security.Permissions]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security.Policy | System.Security.Policy]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Security.Principal | System.Security.Principal]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.ServiceProcess | System.ServiceProcess]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Text | System.Text]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Text.RegularExpressions | System.Text.RegularExpressions]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Threading | System.Threading]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Timers | System.Timers]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Web.Security | System.Web.Security]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Web.Services | System.Web.Services]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Windows.Controls | System.Windows.Controls]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Windows.Forms | System.Windows.Forms]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Xml | System.Xml]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Xml.Linq | System.Xml.Linq]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Xml.Schema | System.Xml.Schema]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Xml.Serialization | System.Xml.Serialization]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Xml.XPath | System.Xml.XPath]]
* [[C#/C Sharp by API/System.Xml.Xsl | System.Xml.Xsl]]
== C#/CSharp Tutorial ==
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/2D | 2D]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/ADO.Net | ADO.Net]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Assembly | Assembly]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Attribute | Attribute]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Class | Class]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Data Structure | Data Structure]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Data Type | Data Type]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Date Time | Date Time]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Design Patterns | Design Patterns]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Development | Development]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Directory Services | Directory Services]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/File Directory Stream | File Directory Stream]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/GUI Windows Forms | GUI Windows Forms]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Generic | Generic]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/I18N Internationalization | I18N Internationalization]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/LINQ | LINQ]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Language Basics | Language Basics]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Network | Network]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Operator | Operator]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Operator Overload | Operator Overload]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Preprocessing Directives | Preprocessing Directives]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Reflection | Reflection]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Regular Expression | Regular Expression]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Security | Security]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Statement | Statement]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/String | String]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Thread | Thread]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/Windows | Windows]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/XML | XML]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/XML LINQ | XML LINQ]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/delegate | delegate]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/struct | struct]]
* [[C#/CSharp Tutorial/unsafe | unsafe]]
== Visual C++ .NET ==
* [[Visual C++ .NET/2D | 2D]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Class | Class]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Collections | Collections]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Data Type | Data Type]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Database ADO.net | Database ADO.net]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Delegate | Delegate]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Development | Development]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/File Directory | File Directory]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Function | Function]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/GUI Form | GUI Form]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Generics | Generics]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Language Basics | Language Basics]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Network | Network]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Reflection | Reflection]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Security | Security]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Statement | Statement]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Structure | Structure]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/Thread | Thread]]
* [[Visual C++ .NET/XML | XML]]

Версия 11:37, 26 мая 2010

На данный момент уже 827 страниц и 0 файлов.


ASP.NET Tutorial

C#/C Sharp

C#/C Sharp by API

C#/CSharp Tutorial

Visual C++ .NET