Csharp/C Sharp/GUI Windows Form/Open File Dialog — различия между версиями
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Текущая версия на 11:33, 26 мая 2010
- 1 Call ShowDialog() to display an OpenFileDialog
- 2 Demonstrates using an OpenFileDialog to prompt for a file name, and to open a file
- 3 FileOk Action
- 4 Open File Dialog with file types
- 5 Set Filter
- 6 Set InitialDirectory
- 7 shows browsing for a file
- 8 shows browsing for a set of files
- 9 Show the use of some of the OpenFile dialog box
Call ShowDialog() to display an OpenFileDialog
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class MainClass {
static void Main(string[] args) {
OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
Demonstrates using an OpenFileDialog to prompt for a file name, and to open a file
C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// ReadIn.cs -- Demonstrates using an OpenFileDialog to prompt for a
// file name, and to open a file
// Compile this program with the following command line:
// C:>csc ReadIn.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace nsStreams
public class ReadIn
static public void Main (string [] args)
OpenFileDialog fileOpen = new OpenFileDialog ();
if (args.Length == 0)
fileOpen.InitialDirectory = ".\\";
fileOpen.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
fileOpen.FilterIndex = 0;
fileOpen.RestoreDirectory = false; //true;
// if (fileOpen.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.Cancel)
if (fileOpen.ShowDialog () != DialogResult.OK)
fileOpen.FileName = args[0];
Stream strm;
StreamReader reader;
strm = fileOpen.OpenFile ();
reader = new StreamReader (strm);
catch (Exception e)
string Message = e.Message + "\n\nCannot open "
+ fileOpen.FileName;
MessageBox.Show (Message, "Open error",
Console.Write (reader.ReadToEnd ());
reader.Close ();
strm.Close ();
FileOk Action
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class FileDialogApp {
private static OpenFileDialog ofd;
static void Main(string[] args) {
ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
string s = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()));
ofd.InitialDirectory = s;
ofd.FileOk += new System.ruponentModel.CancelEventHandler(ofd_OK);
public static void ofd_OK(object sender,
System.ruponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) {
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ofd.FileName);
string s;
while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
Open File Dialog with file types
C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
namespace nsClassLib
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class clsMainOpenFileDialog
static public void Main ()
OpenFileDialog ofn = new OpenFileDialog ();
ofn.Filter = "C Sharp Files (*.cs)|*.cs|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt";
ofn.Title = "Type File";
while (true)
if (ofn.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.Cancel)
FileStream strm;
strm = new FileStream (ofn.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader (strm);
while (rdr.Peek() >= 0)
string str = rdr.ReadLine ();
Console.WriteLine (str);
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show ("Error opening file", "File Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
ofn.Title = "Next File to Type";
Set Filter
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class MainClass {
static void Main(string[] args) {
OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
dlg.Filter = "Rich Text Files (*.rtf)|*.RTF|" +
"All files (*.*)|*.*";
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
Set InitialDirectory
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class MainClass {
static void Main(string[] args) {
OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
dlg.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath;
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
shows browsing for a file
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy
Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
Example15_1.cs shows browsing for a file
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Example15_1 {
public static void Main() {
// create and show an open file dialog
OpenFileDialog dlgOpen = new OpenFileDialog();
if (dlgOpen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
shows browsing for a set of files
Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy
Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
Example15_2.cs shows browsing for a set of files
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Example15_2
public static void Main()
// create an open file dialog
OpenFileDialog dlgOpen = new OpenFileDialog();
// set properties for the dialog
dlgOpen.Title = "Select one or more files";
dlgOpen.ShowReadOnly = true;
dlgOpen.Multiselect = true;
// display the dialog and return results
if (dlgOpen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
foreach (string s in dlgOpen.FileNames)
Show the use of some of the OpenFile dialog box
C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// DlgSamp.cs -- Show the use of some of the OpenFile dialog box.
// Compile this program with the following command line:
// C:>csc DlgSamp.cs
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ruponentModel;
public class clsMainOpenFile
static public void Main ()
// Create the dialog box object.
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ();
// Allow multiple file selection.
ofd.Multiselect = true;
// Set the text for the title bar.
ofd.Title = "Concatenate files";
// Do not verify that the file exists.
ofd.CheckFileExists = false;
// Do verify that the path exists.
ofd.CheckPathExists = true;
// Add a default extension if the user does not type one.
ofd.AddExtension = true;
// Set the default extension.
ofd.DefaultExt = "txt";
// Show the read-only box.
ofd.ShowReadOnly = true;
// Show the Help button.
ofd.ShowHelp = true;
// Call this method when the user clicks the OK (Open) button.
ofd.FileOk += new CancelEventHandler (CancelOpenFile);
// Call this method when the user clicks the Help button.
ofd.HelpRequest += new EventHandler (ShowOpenHelp);
// Show the dialog box.
if (ofd.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.Cancel)
// Display a list of the selected files.
foreach (string str in ofd.FileNames)
Console.WriteLine (str);
// Delegate called when the user clicks the OK (Open) button
static private void CancelOpenFile (object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
// Cast the object to an OpenFileDialog object.
OpenFileDialog dlg = (OpenFileDialog) sender;
// Show the selected files.
Console.WriteLine ("The selected file are:");
foreach (string str in dlg.FileNames)
Console.WriteLine ("\t" + str);
// Ask whether to cancel the close event.
Console.Write ("\r\nCancel event? [y/n]: ");
string reply = Console.ReadLine ();
if (reply[0] == "y")
e.Cancel = true;
// Delegate called when the user clicks the Help button.
static private void ShowOpenHelp (object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine ("Open your help file to the File Open topic here.");