Visual C++ .NET/2D/Shape — различия между версиями

Материал из .Net Framework эксперт
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Текущая версия на 12:06, 26 мая 2010

Draw shapes

  using namespace System;
  using namespace System::ComponentModel;
  using namespace System::Collections;
  using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
  using namespace System::Data;
  using namespace System::Drawing;
  public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
            this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
            this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
            this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(300, 300);
            this->Name = L"Form1";
            this->Text = L"Happy Face";
            this->Paint += 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler(this, 
        System::Void Form1_Paint(System::Object^ sender, 
                                 System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e)
            Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
            Pen^ b4pen = gcnew Pen(Color::Black, 4);
            // Head
            Rectangle rect = Drawing::Rectangle(25, 25, 250, 250);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::Yellow, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            // Mouth
            g->FillPie(Brushes::White, 100, 175, 100, 50, 0, 180);
            g->DrawPie(b4pen, 100, 175, 100, 50, 0, 180);
            // Left Eye
            rect = Drawing::Rectangle(100, 100, 25, 25);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);

            // Right Eye
            rect = Drawing::Rectangle(175, 100, 25, 25);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            // Get rid of pen Created
            delete b4pen;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
  Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
  return 0;

Intersect Or Union

  using namespace System;
  using namespace System::ComponentModel;
  using namespace System::Collections;
  using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
  using namespace System::Data;
  using namespace System::Drawing;
  public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
            Drawing::Point point1 = Drawing::Point(25,25);
            Drawing::Point point2 = Drawing::Point(100,100);
            Drawing::Size size    = Drawing::Size(200, 150);
            rect1  = Drawing::Rectangle(point1, size); 
            rect2  = Drawing::Rectangle(point2, size);
        Drawing::Rectangle rect1;
        Drawing::Rectangle rect2;
    void InitializeComponent(void)
            this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
            this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
            this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(330, 300);
            this->Name = L"Form1";
            this->Text = L"Click in Window";
            this->Paint += 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler(this, 
            this->MouseDown += 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MouseEventHandler(this, 
        System::Void Form1_Paint(System::Object^ sender, 
                                 System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e)
            // Draw a couple of rectangles
            e->Graphics->DrawRectangle(Pens::Black, rect1);
            e->Graphics->DrawRectangle(Pens::Black, rect2);
        System::Void Form1_MouseDown(System::Object^ sender, 
                                     System::Windows::Forms::MouseEventArgs^ e)
            // build a point from x,y coords of mouse click
            Point p = Point(e->X, e->Y);
            // did we click in the intersection?
            if (Rectangle::Intersect(rect1, rect2).Contains(p))
                Text = "Intersection and Union";
            // did we click in the union?
            else if (Rectangle::Union(rect1, rect2).Contains(p))
                Text = "Union";
            // did we miss altogether
                Text = "Outside of Both";
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
  Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
  return 0;

Optimized Happy Face

  using namespace System;
  using namespace System::ComponentModel;
  using namespace System::Collections;
  using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
  using namespace System::Data;
  using namespace System::Drawing;
  public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
            Head  = Drawing::Rectangle(125, 25, 250, 250);
            Mouth = Drawing::Rectangle(200, 175, 100, 50);
            LEye  = Drawing::Rectangle(200, 100, 25, 25);
            REye  = Drawing::Rectangle(275, 100, 25, 25);
            b4pen = gcnew Pen(Color::Black, 4);
        System::Drawing::Rectangle Head;
        System::Drawing::Rectangle Mouth;
        System::Drawing::Rectangle LEye;
        System::Drawing::Rectangle REye;
        Pen^ b4pen;
    void InitializeComponent(void)
            this->AutoScrollMinSize = System::Drawing::Size(400,400);
            this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
            this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
            this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(292, 273);
            this->Name = L"Form1";
            this->Text = L"Optimized Happy Face";
            this->Paint += 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler(this, 
        System::Void Form1_Paint(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e)
            Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
            Drawing::Rectangle ClipRect = e->ClipRectangle;
            ClipRect.Offset(-AutoScrollPosition.X, -AutoScrollPosition.Y);
            if (!(Rectangle::Intersect(ClipRect, Head)).IsEmpty)
                g->FillEllipse(Brushes::Yellow, Head);
                g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, Head);
                if (!(Rectangle::Intersect(ClipRect, Mouth)).IsEmpty)
                    g->FillPie(Brushes::White, Mouth, 0, 180);
                    g->DrawPie(b4pen, Mouth, 0, 180);
                if (!(Rectangle::Intersect(ClipRect, LEye)).IsEmpty)
                    g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, LEye);
                    g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, LEye);
                if (!(Rectangle::Intersect(ClipRect, REye)).IsEmpty)
                    g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, REye);
                    g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, REye);
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
  Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
  return 0;

Print shapes out

  using namespace System;
  using namespace System::ComponentModel;
  using namespace System::Collections;
  using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
  using namespace System::Data;
  using namespace System::Drawing;
  public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
        System::Drawing::Printing::PrintDocument^  printDocument;
        System::Windows::Forms::PrintDialog^  printDialog;
    System::ComponentModel::Container ^components;
    void InitializeComponent(void)
            this->printDocument = 
                (gcnew System::Drawing::Printing::PrintDocument());
            this->printDialog = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PrintDialog());
            // printDocument
            this->printDocument->PrintPage += 
                gcnew System::Drawing::Printing::PrintPageEventHandler(this, 
            // printDialog
            this->printDialog->Document = this->printDocument;
            // Form1
            this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
            this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
            this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(300, 300);
            this->Name = L"Form1";
            this->Text = L"Click to Print";
            this->Paint += 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler(this, 
            this->Click += 
                gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_Click);
        System::Void Form1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
            if (printDialog->ShowDialog() == Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK)

        System::Void printDocument_PrintPage(System::Object^ sender, 
                             System::Drawing::Printing::PrintPageEventArgs^ e)
            CreateHappyFace(e->Graphics); //Same call as Form1_Paint
            e->HasMorePages = false;
        System::Void Form1_Paint(System::Object^ sender, 
                                 System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e)
            CreateHappyFace(e->Graphics);//Same call as printDocument_PrintPage
        // Generic Happy Face Creator
        void CreateHappyFace(Graphics ^g)
            Pen^ b4pen = gcnew Pen(Color::Black, 4);
            Rectangle rect = Drawing::Rectangle(25, 25, 250, 250);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::Yellow, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            g->FillPie(Brushes::White, 100, 175, 100, 50, 0, 180);
            g->DrawPie(b4pen, 100, 175, 100, 50, 0, 180);
            rect = Drawing::Rectangle(100, 100, 25, 25);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            rect = Drawing::Rectangle(175, 100, 25, 25);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            delete b4pen;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
  Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
  return 0;

Scrolling shapes

  using namespace System;
  using namespace System::ComponentModel;
  using namespace System::Collections;
  using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
  using namespace System::Data;
  using namespace System::Drawing;
  public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form

            this->AutoScrollMinSize = System::Drawing::Size(400,400);
            this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
            this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
            this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(292, 273);
            this->Name = L"Form1";
            this->Text = L"Scrolling Happy Face";
            this->Paint += 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler(this,
        System::Void Form1_Paint(System::Object^ sender, 
                                 System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^  e)
            Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
            Pen^ b4pen = gcnew Pen(Color::Black, 4);
            // Head
            Rectangle rect = Drawing::Rectangle(25, 25, 250, 250);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::Yellow, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            // Mouth
            g->FillPie(Brushes::White, 100, 175, 100, 50, 0, 180);
            g->DrawPie(b4pen, 100, 175, 100, 50, 0, 180);
            // Left Eye
            rect = Drawing::Rectangle(100, 100, 25, 25);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            // Right Eye
            rect = Drawing::Rectangle(175, 100, 25, 25);
            g->FillEllipse(Brushes::White, rect);
            g->DrawEllipse(b4pen, rect);
            // Get rid of pen Created
            delete b4pen;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
  Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
  return 0;